the palace of stars

click here for extra alter info

click here for our portfolio

our name (system name) is the equinox, or simply equinox sys. were bodily 17. my name (host) is eli, or sol. depending on what you want, you can use either. i mainly go by she/they but im fine with he. at the moment were in multiple fandoms but our main one is lifesteal smp, bliss smp, the prison community and omori!

we have self-diagnosed UDD (still trying to figure out the actual label if there is any !! ^^,,) and we are neurodivergent. we possibly have bpd (borderline personality disorder) but were unsure of that. however!! we are also an artist and we love drawing.

we LOVE making new friends, buut there are times when we get socially awkward or become introverted. so if we ever sound unapologetic or more rude/blunt than earlier, that may be why. were an INFP by the wayy!! were also egyption and love talking about our interests so prepare for rants XD

some of our other interests include writing, psychology, arg solving, riddles, astrology, tarot cards (i dont believe in tarot reading, but its very interesting) etcetera